For a long time, dentures and bridges were the only tooth replacement options for people with missing teeth. Bridges were typically used to replace single teeth, while dentures replaced many teeth or full arches. In the 1960s, the first dental implants were introduced and since then, groundbreaking strides have been made in implant technologies and techniques. Today, if you’re missing all the teeth on your upper arch, lower arch or both, you have many choices. You can replace them with a conventional removable denture, removable or fixed implant supported dentures or full mouth dental implants. Dental implants in Richmond, VA are a versatile tooth replacement solution that can restore health and aesthetics to your smile, whether you’re missing one tooth, many or all of them. Implants for dentures help restore your natural bite force, prevent bone loss and stimulate new bone growth. Once they fuse with your jawbone, dental implants offer unsurpassed stability, strength, function, aesthetics and longevity. Our implant dentist Meet Dr. Tommy Han offers a wide range dental implants in Richmond, VA that will restore your smile, health and quality of life!
In general, the two options for replacing missing teeth are fixed and removable. Modern dentures are made of hard acrylic resin with natural-looking teeth and a pink base that resembles your natural gum color. Full mouth dental implants don’t require the time-consuming maintenance associated with conventional dentures, which need to be removed and cleaned after eating and soaked overnight. Dental implants can be properly maintained with the same daily brushing and flossing routines as natural teeth. While impressions taken of your jaw help ensure dentures fit snugly against your gums, they can slip, click and cause gum irritation and speech issues. Full mouth dental implants replace tooth roots, so they fit and function like natural teeth, preserve bone and even stimulate new growth. With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots progressively deteriorates. This leads to recession of the jawbone and a collapsed, unattractive smile. Removable implant supported dentures in Richmond, VA stabilized by two or more dental implants can restore 60% of dental function. Implant supported dentures can also be designed as a fixed prosthesis that is only removable by a dental professional. If you’re looking for permanent dentures, the latter is your best option.
Whether you decide on implant supported dentures or conventional dentures, it’s important to seek treatment at a practice with a proven track record. At Advanced Dental Care, our implant dentist has advanced training and relies on sophisticated technology to create versatile tooth replacement solutions with success rates that meet or exceed national standards. During your initial visit at Advanced Dental Care, we’ll discuss your dental and medical history, take digital X-rays, and create a customized treatment plan. We’ll help you select the best tooth replacement protocol to fit your smile needs and budget. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) enables analysis of your bone structure, nerve tissue and sinus cavities. About 150–200 images created in less than a minute are compiled into a single 3D model of your jawbone that we combine with digital software to precisely plan your implant placement. If you have inadequate bone to support dental implants, active gum disease or need teeth extracted, Meet Dr. Tommy Han has the expertise to help you become an ideal candidate for dental implants in Richmond, VA.
In addition to numbing your implant sites with a local anesthetic, we offer different types of sedation for your ultimate comfort. Aided by a custom surgical guide, Meet Dr. Tommy Han makes small incisions in your gums and places the implants underneath the gums into your jawbone. Temporary replacement teeth (e.g., dental crowns or an implant supported denture) are attached to the implant posts. As your mouth heals over the next three or more months, you’ll be able to eat comfortably and enjoy renewed smile aesthetics with the temporary prosthetic. Your final set of teeth are precision crafted to meet your smile specifications and our clinical recommendations, thereby ensuring optimal aesthetics and long-term function. Once the final restoration is attached to your implants, you’ll experience better function, greater confidence and an improved quality of life—for life!
At Advanced Dental Care of Richmond, we understand that no two smiles are alike, and we take pride in tailoring our treatments to your individual and unique needs. We go far beyond the concept of stock smiles, recognizing that your smile is a reflection of your personality, facial features, and lifestyle. Our dedicated team collaborates closely with you to understand your specific desires and concerns, ensuring that the smile we create is a perfect fit for your face and aligns seamlessly with your lifestyle.
Whether it’s cosmetic enhancements, restorative procedures, or general oral care, our commitment to crafting a personalized and distinctive smile sets us apart. We’ll go the extra mile in bringing forth a smile that not only enhances your dental health but also harmonizes perfectly with your overall aesthetic and lifestyle preferences.
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